Have you been invited to speak at an upcoming event? Congratulations, that’s so exciting! While you are preparing for your event later this year, we have added 4 great tips for speaking at an in-person, or virtual, event in 2022, from an audiovisual company, and an audience member.
The perfect balance of being loud enough to hear, and clear enough to know what is being said is what you’re looking for when recording your presentation. A great way is to be close to the microphone when you speak, but not close enough that you sound muffled. Confidence is best delivered when it is loud and clear for everyone to hear.
After the host introduces you, don’t take more than 2 minutes introducing yourself. People are most likely attending because they know you already and the content that you will be covering, as much as you might want to say “Hi, my name is…”, get to the content people signed up for as fast as possible!
Another great tip for starting off your presentation is to stick to the HOW in your presentation, rather than the WHY. People know why your topic is important, they came to know the how.
When talking to your audience, look at them, not the screen! You want to let your audience know that you are happy to be there and are confident when you speak. Smiling, making sure to talk slowly and creating eye contact with the camera help to make your audience feel comfortable and overall can make your presentation more engaging.
Finally, record your presentation as a test! This will help you listen back for how you sound, the sounds in your room, the lighting and any other issues you may not have seen before.
If you’re looking for more information on speaking at a virtual or hybrid event, check out our blog post How To Give An Engaging Virtual Presentation.
Talk to our team to learn more about these options, or visit our Virtual Venues page for more options. Start planning your virtual event! Contact us today or request a demo of our virtual platform.